What a great opportunity to learn about KCC! Class 101 is an introduction to our church family. Learn about our vision, our mission, our core values and beliefs. What do we believe? How do you become a Christian and a member?
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Scattered thoughts on scripture, church life, technology, and family living.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
All Fall Down
When Jesus identified Himself as "I am he" in the garden at his arrest, Judas and the soilders all fell to the ground. Falling to the ground was a common reaction to divine revelation. Can you picture a band of soilders all falling down? Somewhat comical to say the least.
Revelation 20:12 says there will come a day when we all will stand before the great throne of God. Standing of falling will depend if our name is written in the Book of Life.
Where do you stand?
Revelation 20:12 says there will come a day when we all will stand before the great throne of God. Standing of falling will depend if our name is written in the Book of Life.
Where do you stand?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
AIG: Shame on You

Are there any ethical, logical, moral corporate leaders out there?! All the debate and news coverage on the AIG bonuses is saddening and discouraging.
I hear peoples stories on a daily basis of not being able to pay their monthly mortgage, their utility bills, and back taxes. People are out of work and more are losing their jobs or being downsized weekly. If they are working, they are working all hours of the day (and night) to get by or they are working more than one job.
AIG employees are taking an extra 165 Million dollars in bonuses in the midst of our economic problems. One Senator jokingly suggested some involved either resign or commit suicide.
Why haven't I heard this solution? Give the money back! Anyone receiving a bonus, tear up the check. Don't cash it. Give it back. Do they have no conscience? Who are these men? Women?
Take a cue from Zacchaeus and give back to the American people the money you are "cheating" them out of.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Baptizing Children

We began singing a song of invitation giving people the opportunity to move forward and come to Jesus.
Now I don't know how you view the Bible in terms of salvation, but I believe it's modeled when people came to Jesus they were baptized into him for the forgiveness of their sins. So that is what we teach and practice here at KCC.
My 6-year old son was sitting in the second pew row and began waving me over to ask me something. At first I just waved back at him and politely smiled, hoping he would take the hint that daddy was busy right at the moment.
But he continued to beckon me. Unable to put off his pleading any longer, I stepped over to him and leaned down, just to hear him whisper, "Daddy, can I get baptized?"
Understand, there is nothing I want more in this world is to see my children come to faith in Jesus Christ. I pray fervently that they commit their lives to Him. But 6 years old seems quite young for a person to be baptized. We like to make sure they know what they are doing before they make this life-altering decision.
My wife and I have been putting our son off now for almost a year on his quest to be baptized, but the time my be drawing near for the step to be taken.
I often question myself, what gives me the right to make the decision for him? I'm secretly envious of other believers who recite "the sinner's prayer" with children, although I can't seem to find it in the Bible. But that makes it so simple. The child can be "saved" and our conscience is clear.
My prayer today is for my son, my wife, and myself. May we understand God's timing for my son's salvation!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Unleash 09
Great Conference today. Unleash 2009 hosted by Newspring in South Carolina. Perry Noble is the lead Pastor there. You can view it online live or probably catch it later by streaming it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Do you ever have doubts? The older I get the more skeptical I become. I've just seen so many promises not kept. So many commitments broke. It makes me question everything. I suppose that skepticism shouldn't creep over into my faith, but it does.
Sunday's message at KCC will be from John chapter 9 and the healing of the man born blind. The Pharisees wanted an explanation for what happened, but the man could give none. Instead he gave his testimony. I was blind but now I see. They had doubts and wanted explanations. None were given.
We get so caught up in the unexplainable instead of focusing on the undeniable. You can have doubts because you can't explain everything. It's okay. Just remember the undeniable. It's rock solid.
Sunday's message at KCC will be from John chapter 9 and the healing of the man born blind. The Pharisees wanted an explanation for what happened, but the man could give none. Instead he gave his testimony. I was blind but now I see. They had doubts and wanted explanations. None were given.
We get so caught up in the unexplainable instead of focusing on the undeniable. You can have doubts because you can't explain everything. It's okay. Just remember the undeniable. It's rock solid.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Faith of a Child
Children are not limited by age. They have the vision of Bill Gates!
Children are not limited by ability. They have the mind of Einstein!
Children are not limited by money. They have the riches of Solomon!
Children are not limited by power. They have the potential of Donald Trump!
Children are not limited by faith. They have the beliefs of Abraham!
Become as a child!
Children are not limited by ability. They have the mind of Einstein!
Children are not limited by money. They have the riches of Solomon!
Children are not limited by power. They have the potential of Donald Trump!
Children are not limited by faith. They have the beliefs of Abraham!
Become as a child!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Was that God?!

Of course, I'm not alone in missing the voice of God. In fact, the crowd standing around Jesus in that moment didn't recognize that it was the voice of God. They thought it was thunder (vs. 29). How could they miss it!? Maybe they weren't listening.
I wonder how many times I miss God's voice in my day to day life. Or how many times do I mistake God's voice for some natural event. Am I listening? Do I expect God to speak to me? Are you?
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Inflation at Burger King

This sign is from my local Burger King. We live in a good fishing area, so I think $200 per fish seems a little steep to me!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Excessive Waste
Mary anoints Jesus feet with expensive ointment in John 12. She is accused by Judas for wasting the valuable perfume. Apart from the fact that this comes from a thief and one who would soon betray the whole movement, was this a waste or are there actually times when giving the best and most expensive is not only okay, but natural?
You have to remember that just days earlier Jesus raised Lazarus, Mary's brother, from the dead! How grateful would one be after that?! What price could you put on a person's life?
However, this isn't really about paying Jesus back for a good deed. This is done in preparation for a burial. Mary, and family members & friends, have concluded this is the Messiah, the veritable Son of God. What limit would you put on giving to the Son of God?
Are there times in your life when you should give without holding back? Give excessively? I challenge you to consider the value of the life Jesus has given to you. Raising you from death. What can you do for Him to show your appreciation?
You have to remember that just days earlier Jesus raised Lazarus, Mary's brother, from the dead! How grateful would one be after that?! What price could you put on a person's life?
However, this isn't really about paying Jesus back for a good deed. This is done in preparation for a burial. Mary, and family members & friends, have concluded this is the Messiah, the veritable Son of God. What limit would you put on giving to the Son of God?
Are there times in your life when you should give without holding back? Give excessively? I challenge you to consider the value of the life Jesus has given to you. Raising you from death. What can you do for Him to show your appreciation?
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AI and the Christian Walk
AI surges into modern life Artificial Intelligence or AI, as it has become better known, has quietly and quickly permeated our daily lives. ...

AI surges into modern life Artificial Intelligence or AI, as it has become better known, has quietly and quickly permeated our daily lives. ...
When I read the parable about the woman who lost a coin in Luke 15, I immediately think of the window's mite. I don't know why. Mayb...
Luke 15:1-7 tells the parable of the Lost Sheep. Some church goers have told me the sheep who wonders away and is lost is one of their own b...