Monday, February 12, 2007

Did Jesus have a chip on his shoulder?

Matthew 8:18-22

The Cost of Following Jesus

Jesus was tough with the Pharisees, Sadducee's, and Teachers of the Law. He spoke rigidly to them. Almost as if he had a chip on his shoulder. We see this again in this text. When the Teacher of the Law came to Jesus declaring he would follow Jesus, Jesus did not make it seem easy, but difficult. He talked about "no place to lay his head." Basically saying by following me you'll have no shelter, possibly little food, and long periods of wandering. Your body will become weary, your feet may swell, and you'll probably miss your family.

Contrast this type of response to when Jesus encounters a tax collector or "sinner." He lovingly invites them to follow Him.

What examples do you see in the Bible where Jesus dealt harshly with the "religious people" and more compassionately with the "sinners?"

It may be Friday, but Sunday is coming!

Easter Sunday will be here in a few short days. Christians all over the world will celebrate our Savior's victory over sin and death. Th...