Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Not Ashamed

 "I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile." 

-Apostle Paul in Romans 1:16

There are many things we are ashamed of today. Some are silly like stumbling in front of a group of people or forgetting an important fact about a friend. Others are more serious and involve life-changing events. Shame or embarassment is an emotion most of us would rather not deal with. So when it comes to the life-saving message of the gospel of Jesus Christ, what a joy it is to boldly share it with the world. 

Paul could say with boldness and confidence, "I AM NOT ASHAMED OF THE GOSPEL!" 

Paul had a long history with the story of Jesus beginning with his encounter with Him on the road to Damascus. Jesus flipped Paul's life upside down. After a 3-day blind fast, Paul emerged with a new zeal and purpose. That of proclaiming the gospel, which he declared contained the power to give all who believe salvation from their sins. 

The apostles in Acts were also empowered with boldness when the Holy Spirit came upon them in the Upper Room. They were given their marching orders to go into all the nations and preach the gospel, baptizing and teaching men and women. Now they were given to boldness to do just that. 

When the apostles were told in Acts 5:29 not to teach any longer in the name of Jesus, they replied, "We must obey God rather than man." Their boldness in sharing the gospel would overshadow any ordinance given by man. Despite desiring to obey the law, when conflict would occur between God and man, God would always win.  

Christians today have the same Holy Spirit living within them (Acts 2:38). We can be just as bold and proud of sharing the gospel today as those early believers. There is no shame nor embarrasment in living out the biblical story of God's redemption plan. It is within that plan that God's power is released and gives salvation to everyone who believes it. 

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