Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Church "Sale" helps Woods Apartment Families in Kalkaska

The Kalkaska Community came together last week to assist the former residents of Kalkaska Woods Apartments in a big way. 16 families have been displaced due to an apartment fire. Donations were collected early in the week. Reminiscent of Moses telling the people to stop bringing their offerings to the sanctuary (Exodus 36:5,6), so many donations came in that the church had to ask people to stop giving!

KCC Workers sort donations to help Woods Apartment Families
The families were invited to shop freely Wednesday and Thursday for clothing, household goods, toiletries, toys, books, and other odds and ends.

Gift Cards for the Families
About Wednesday afternoon it dawned on those working that the number of supplies compared with the number of people shopping was lopsided. The church lobby was still chock full of items after all the families had gone through.

The church decided to make an ad-hoc garage sale open to the community on Friday taking donations for the items that would be passed on to the Woods families. Any items left over by the end of the day would be picked up by Sean Dagenhart and trucked down to Missouri to help flood victims.

Donations from Friday's sale totaled $879.38. This money along with other cash donations earlier in the week was used to purchases gift cards from BC Pizza, McDonalds, Burger King, and Shell.

These gift cards were passed out to the families on Tuesday afternoon at the United Way gathering.

Thank you Kalkaska and the Kalkaska Church of Christ for helping the families at this time of their loss!

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Lessons from Eve

The first mother, Eve, had 2 sons,  Cain and Abel. Cain worked the soil; Abel kept flocks. When taking their offerings to God, Cain was jeal...