Thursday, April 24, 2008

Wear Him out!

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" My wife and I have a 4 and a 6 year old. We love them with all our hearts, but sometimes they just wear us out! They have so many questions, so many needs, so many wants. It can be overwhelming on some days. I thought of my innocent children and their incessant banter as I read today's devotion.

Luke 18:1-8 is the parable of the Persistent Widow. She keeps bothering the judge in order to get justice. He actually fears that she will wear him out, and so gives in to her request!

Jesus seems to be saying, "talk to God so much, that you think you'll wear Him out." You can't wear God out, by the way. Talk to Him with childlike abandon. Tell him about the details of your day. Ask Him to meet your needs and your wants. According to verse 8, our pleas demonstrate our faith. Makes sense. My child keeps coming to me because I meet his needs. God wants to do the same for us. Wear Him out!

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