Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Associates Angle

Last month marks Caraway Street's 2-year anniversary at the Kalkaska Church of Christ. This successful children's ministry has taught and entertained over 250 different children involving over 100 different volunteers serving as actors, stage managers, directors, cue card makers, seamstresses, woodworkers, painters, block parents, song leaders, prop makers, sound board operators, and advertisers. Caraway has been seen everywhere from the Trout Festival parade to Wilderness camp to the Christmas Eve church service. It's been an incredible outreach for our church.

Special thanks are in order for three talented ladies who have directed Caraway to the summit it enjoys today. They are Sabra Dessauer, Carol Badgero, and Jan Aten. These committed women have sacrificed family, work, and leisure time in order to give at least 10 hours every other week consistently for the past 2 years in this ministry! Thanks also goes out to their husbands who have allowed them to serve their church and their God in this manner. They aren't paid for this; it's a labor of love. And I'm sure one day each will hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest."

If you want to know more about Caraway Street, check out our new website:

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Lessons from Eve

The first mother, Eve, had 2 sons,  Cain and Abel. Cain worked the soil; Abel kept flocks. When taking their offerings to God, Cain was jeal...