Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Sign Posts Pointing to God

God's creation is fascinating! During our SCUBA VBS, the kids learned about different undersea animals. Did you know that the octopus has a tiny brain at the end of each of its 8 tentacles? That allows each one of its arms to move faster and independently. An octopus also has 3 hearts; 2 pump blood to the gills, and one to the rest of the body. 

It was on the 5th day of creation that God said, "Let the water team with living creatures..." An octopus is just one type of species among 242,000 living in the oceans according to the 2022 census by the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS). 

The other day my son was watching a YouTube video about earwigs. These small insects have large pinchers they use to catch their prey. But guess where God chose to place their pinchers? On their tail! They also have complex wings that unfold to 10 times their size and allow them to fly! And despite popular belief, earwigs DO NOT
climb into people's ears while they are sleeping. That's a myth and pure superstition. 

It was on the 6th day of creation that God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals..." 

The uniqueness of the animal kingdom and the creativity of our God is amazing. Some would say these animals evolved slowly over time or morphed from one to another. Those theories just don't hold water. These animals have unique features that allow them to exist, survive, and thrive. Each and every species, genus, and family are different with various traits and bodies. Every one of those points to a creator - a brilliant mind who not only thought up each creature but also how each creature would interact with all other creatures including man. 

So for me, each time I learn about the unique abilities or traits of an animal, I immediately attribute them to a creator, God. They are like sign posts pointing directly to Him and his omnipotence. From the animal kingdom, my mind then goes to mankind, the solar system, and the earth itself. Indeed, the heavens (and all creation) declare the glory of God. 

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