Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Should I Speak Up?

Recently a man mentioned to me that his girlfriend is moving in with him. As a Christian, I have serious moral issues with this arrangement, but I didn't say anything. A preacher friend of mine asked if I told him that was wrong? I said, No, that I didn't want to pass judgment on him. We debated the issue of confronting people for their moral shortcomings. I feel it's a sensitive issue.

I recall a quote from Mother Teresa,

"The Holy Spirit is the One who convicts.
God is the One who judges.
We are only called to love."

I know some churches seriously proclaim, "No Perfect People Allowed!" I also know their byline is - "Come as you are, but don't stay that way."

The scriptures teach the leaders of the church should know how to manage their family well in order to "shepherd" the church. We discipline our children, setting up boundaries for them to grow and mature morally and spiritually. One who successfully raises their own child is qualified to speak to God's "children."

The key here is that the individual has turned his or her life over to the Lordship of Christ. Prior to that we reach out in love and compassion, as Jesus did time and time again throughout the New Testament.

As it's written in Romans 14:4 "Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand."

They will know we are His followers if we love one another. Once they know how much we care, they will open up to listening to us. Through prayer and love, God's spirit will permeate their hearts and new lifestyles can begin.

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