Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Matt Parkman Moment

We recently wrapped up a series at KCC based on the hit TV show Heroes.

In my daily Bible reading I am reading the story of Jesus healing the paralytic from Mark 2:1-12. After the paralytic's friends literally tear the roof off of the house where Jesus is teaching, He does something astounding. He reads the teachers of the law's thoughts! I immediately had a Matt Parkman moment! For those of you who may not follow the show, Matt Parkman is the character who has the heroic gift of reading other people's thoughts.

I guess I shouldn't act so surprised, I mean after all, we are teaching our children in our childrens program, Caraway Street, that God is omniscient. So logically, Jesus knowing all, would be able to hear someone's thoughts. Yet the passage hit home after watching Parkman use his gift on TV. Jesus knows all our thoughts...

Friday, November 09, 2007

Simon Peter was Married

Interesting fact here. From Mark 1:29-31 we learn that Jesus heals Simon Peter's mother-in-law who was suffering with a fever. She got up and begin to wait on her guests.

First thought: Jesus heals or saves us to serve. It's not all about us, it's about expanding the kingdom of God here and earth and ministering to others, meeting their needs.

Second thought: The Catholic church holds Peter up as the first Pope. They also teach that a Pope cannot be married. Here scripture tells us he had a mother-in-law, implying he also had a wife.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Bad Witness

Mark 1:21-28 tells the story of Jesus teaching in the synagogue on a Sabbath. A very common occurrence in the adult ministry of Jesus. His teaching was amazing, authoritative, and unlike what they were used to hearing from their own teachers of the law.

What was uncommon about this Sabbath was the undesired testimony of an evil or unclean spirit. After making himself known by crying out in the middle of the message, the bad witness confessed, "I know who you are-the Holy One of God!"

Jesus sternly silenced him with the words, "Be Quiet!"

We're currently in the middle of a sermon series called "Heroes" and next Sunday we will be listening to first hand accounts of what Jesus has done in people's lives here at KCC. They will testify how their lives have changed since meeting Jesus.

The witness of an evil spirit is not needed by Jesus. However, our confession is! We're told as Christians to go and make known the good news of Jesus. Can people see your story in the way you live?

AI and the Christian Walk

AI surges into modern life Artificial Intelligence or AI, as it has become better known, has quietly and quickly permeated our daily lives. ...