Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Point me to Jesus

Our KCC E-News articles over the years have covered a myriad of topics from Godly worship to Christian living to raising children. But when all is said and done, our goal is to point every reader to Jesus, the son of God. Jesus the Christ. Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus, our LORD and Savior. Jesus, the I AM. He is 100% man and 100% God at the same time. The Son of God and the Son of Man. 

Jesus, born of a virgin, trained as a Jewish carpenter, taught as a Rabbi, misunderstood by the religious leaders, sentenced to die, raised from the dead, gone up into heaven, sitting at the right hand of the Father, and ready to return. Jesus, the holy one of God. 

The entire Bible is about Jesus. Jesus is woven all through the book. He can be found from Genesis to Revelation. Here are some examples from just the first 5 books, the Pentateuch:

  • Genesis - The seed of the woman
  • Exodus - The Passover lamb
  • Leviticus - The High Priest
  • Numbers - The Cloud and the Fire
  • Deuteronomy - A Prophet like Moses
Jesus is typified and present in so many stories in the Bible. Here are just a few to think about:
  • Noah's ark - Just as the ark provided the means of rescue for Noah and his family, Jesus is the means of salvation for the believer today. (1 Peter 3:21)
  • Joseph is a Christ-figure as he suffers unjustly, yet is raised up to a position of great honor and ultimately saves his own people.  (Genesis 39-46)
  • Moses was born in poverty and raised up to deliver his people from slavery. Jesus delivers us from the slavery of sin. 
  • Moses strikes the rock and water comes out - Jesus is living water. (John 4:14)
  • Manna in the desert - Jesus is the bread of life. (John 6:35)
  • The Bronze Serpent - Moses' raises the bronze serpent on a pole so that all who look at it will be saved from snake bites. Jesus would be lifted up so that all who look to him will be saved. (

The book, "Jesus on Every Page" by David Murray is a great read. The Bible is all about Jesus because Jesus is all that matters. Another book to read is "Finding Jesus in the Old Testament" by David Limbaugh. Jesus begins the Bible and Jesus finishes it. He is all through it. These books give you an in-depth study of His omnipresence. 

The song "Give me Jesus" has existed for nearly a century. You can find Fernando Ortega, Vince Gill, and Jeremy Camp versions. They all sing these very simple lyrics:

"In the morning when I rise...when I am alone...when I come to die...

Give me Jesus
Give me Jesus
You can have all this world,
Just give me Jesus (Jesus)"

Jesus is all we need. He is sufficient. He is enough. No matter what life throws our way, if we have Jesus, we have it all. Believe in Him. Trust Him. Confess Him as your Lord. Repent of your sins. Be baptized to wash them away. Live eternally with Jesus (1 Corinthians 6:1-4).

Point me to Jesus

Our KCC E-News articles over the years have covered a myriad of topics from Godly worship to Christian living to raising children. But when ...