Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Be Still

"Be still and know that I am the LORD" - Psalm 46:10

God does His best work in us when we are still. When we cease our activity, God is there. 

You may think that since this verse is in the Psalms, it was written by David. But you would be wrong. The author of Psalm 46 is attributed to the "sons of Korah." 

Remember Korah? He led the rebellion against Moses while they were wandering in the Wilderness. God made the earth open up and swallowed him along with all his followers. Yes, that's Korah. 

Now we see the sons of Korah writing the words, "Be still and know that I am the LORD." What a 180 turn-around. Instead of leading a prideful revolt against Moses and Aaron, the sons of Korah are now peacefully promoting patience and remaining calm. While their father may have been advocating his own agenda, the sons are listening to the LORD. 

Regardless of your family connections, you can still devote your life to God by being still and obeying Him. It was Korah's pride that lead to his downfall (way down), but complaining is also dangerous when you are trying to follow God.  Check out what Moses and Aaron had to deal with. 

After Moses lead the children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt, they found themselves encamped between Migdol and the Red Sea. Pharoah had changed his mind and sent his chariots after them. The Israelites were pinned in with no way to escape. They said, "It would have better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert!" Moses answered the people saying, "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still." It was after those words, that God parted the Red Sea so the people could walk safely through it. 

Does your pride ever get in the way of following God? Are you more apt to complain than compliment? Is your life just a blur of busyness? Do you quietly cringe when someone invites you to yet another event? Do you turn off your cell phone occasionally or are you subject to endless notifications? If so, maybe you need to put on the brakes and learn how to be still

It's difficult in our world today to simply be still. To turn off the noise. To clear out the clutter. Yet, once we allow our pulse to rest, we can begin to know the LORD. 

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