Some time after Jesus makes his miraculous appearance in a feeding trough in Bethlehem, Magi from the east show up at a house where the family is staying. The Bible states it like this:
"After coming to the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh." Matthew 3:11These "Magi" or "Wise Men" had followed a moving star in the eastern sky that led them not to a manger in a stable but to Jesus. What can we learn from their trek that we can apply today?
- Humility - The verse says, "they fell to the ground" indicating a posture of humility. Everything surrounding this Christmas story points to humility: Mary says "...the Lord...has had regard for the humble state of His bondslave..." Joseph is the humble carpenter. The shepherds are humble caretakers of their sheep. As the Magi enter the house, their immediate reaction to the long-sought child is to drop to their knees. The Psalmist wrote, "The humble will see their God at work and be glad." Psalm 69:32 NLT. Humility is the key element to seeing Jesus.
- Worship - After the men fell to their knees in humility, they worshiped him. What does "worship" mean? states that worship means "to show reverence or adoration to a (deity)" The Magi demonstrated their reverence toward baby Jesus in such a way to honor Him as God. As an adult tempted by Satan, Jesus would say, "Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only" Matthew 4:10. Our response ought to be the same in that we worship Jesus, our Lord and God.
- Gifts - The wise men gave their treasures to Jesus. They brought what was valuable to them in their day and presented it to Jesus. The three gifts recorded in scripture are:
- Gold - Gold represents royalty which indicates the nature of Jesus - a king - although not an earthly one. Gold is also very valuable indicating the priceless Son of God.
- Frankincense - Frankincense is a fragrance many times mixed with oil and used in ancient times to anoint a newborn infant. Three people were anointed in the Bible: Prophet, priest, and king - All of which Jesus would be.
- Myrrh - Myrrh is a spice used in burials in ancient times. Most believe the myrrh was prophetic of Jesus' death and resurrection from the dead.
Your gifts will look different than those on the first Christmas, but let them be given to those in need and with a cheerful spirit. Give to those less fortunate this Christmas season. Share with those in need. In doing so we celebrate as the Wise men did long ago. Merry Christmas.