Wednesday, December 05, 2018

The Lawbreaker

God is a lawbreaker. In fact, he's guilty of breaking some of the most rigid laws we know.

God created the world and set natural laws in place so the universe would run in an orderly manner. Gravity dictates that when you drop an object it falls to the ground. The earth travels around the sun every 365.25 days. Kepler's three laws of planetary motion describe stars orbital movement. You get the idea.

Yet in reading the Bible, we come across stories of when God broke natural law. Remember reading about these in the Word of God?

  • An ax head floats (2 Kings 6:6)
  • Shoes don't wear out for 40 years (Deut. 29:5)
  • The sun stands still (Joshua 10:13)
  • Dead bones come back to life (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

If God created the world including natural law or laws of nature by which it would function, then why would he ever break those laws? Why? Because He could? Because He wanted to get our attention? Why does God break natural law?

When God breaks a natural law, which He has every right to do by the way, since He created them, He is in a sense saying, "There's something bigger going on here." Let's think of this in examples we can relate to:

When driving in your car and you hear a siren and see flashing lights, you pull over to the side of the road because most likely an emergency vehicle will soon be speeding by you. That vehicle will run red lights, exceed the speed limit, and may even fail to properly signal a turn! Why does it get to break all those laws?! Because there is something greater going on. Something more important. We don't always know what it is, but we trust laws are broken for the greater good of saving someone's life.

When God sent His son Jesus to earth - He broke natural laws. Look at what happened around the time of Jesus' birth.

  • A virgin pregnancy (Matt. 1:18)
  • Supernatural angelic visits to Joseph (Matt. 1:20; 2:13)
  • Heaven host of angels appearing to shepherds (Luke 2:13)
  • Prophetic words (Matt. 1:23)
  • A guiding star (Matt. 2:2, 9)
Something greater than meets the eye is going on here
In the world we live in, babies are not born naturally without a man and a woman, angels don't appear to individuals nor shepherds, people can't predict the future, and stars don't stop over animal barns! 

These events were supernatural, conducted by the creator of the universe, all for the purpose of communicating with mankind that THERE IS SOMETHING GREATER GOING ON. God is entering human history in a miraculous way. This event would change the course of history for all time. 

When Jesus entered human history as an infant born in an animal's feeding trough, something greater was going on and God had planned it since the beginning of time (Gen. 3:15). Paul wrote about this advent: "But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship" (Gal. 4:4-5).  God is redeeming all of mankind back to him through His son, Jesus Christ. Salvation has come through God, the law breaker. 

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