A microchip embedded into the hand for commerce
In 2015 thousands of residents of Sweeden implanted a tiny RFID microchip into their hands. These chips are the same ones you use to swipe wirelessly to make a purchase at the grocery store.In 2018 employees of a Wisconson company all were asked to get the implant in order to open doors, log into their computer, even buy from the vending machine in the breakroom - all with the wave of their hand.
It's just a matter of time before more companies adopt this technology into their businesses and using it becomes commonplace as a means to buying and more.
The Bible says:
It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666. - Revelation 13:16-18
So there are at least three clear indicators as to what this verse is speaking about.
- This "mark" will be on the right hand or forehead. The new RFID chip is clearing embedded into the right hand of many who have received it. And of course, it leaves a "mark" visible on the skin.
- The RFID chip is used to buy and sell. It's not currently the only way to do so, but it may be in the future.
- This method of commerce is tied to a number. We've become familiar with buying and selling using numbers for quite a long time now with checking accounts, credit cards, debit cards, and now the RFID chip. They are all connected to our numbered accounts.
The Rise of Atheism and Agnosticism
It seems there are more books, blogs, and posts doing away with God altogether (atheism) or being indifferent to his existence (agnosticism).
The perception is that the more science discovers, the more human beings believe they understand the world and the universe leading to less faith in the supernatural (which they would deny even exists) and more trust in man and nature. For some reason, many equate their discovery of natural laws or planets or species or whatever as the equivalent of creating them. For example, I may discover that eating mayo and mustard on my grilled cheese sandwich is tasty, but I didn't create any of the ingredients that go into that sandwich. I simply found out that I like them together.
Just because scientists learn more about the world we live in doesn't lead one to not needing God; just the opposite. Those discoveries actually point to an amazing creator God. When I hold the new iPhone in my hand, I am still amazed at the brilliance of its makers. The same is true each day as I look to the heavens - I am awestruck at the thought of a creator!
The perception is that the more science discovers, the more human beings believe they understand the world and the universe leading to less faith in the supernatural (which they would deny even exists) and more trust in man and nature. For some reason, many equate their discovery of natural laws or planets or species or whatever as the equivalent of creating them. For example, I may discover that eating mayo and mustard on my grilled cheese sandwich is tasty, but I didn't create any of the ingredients that go into that sandwich. I simply found out that I like them together.
Just because scientists learn more about the world we live in doesn't lead one to not needing God; just the opposite. Those discoveries actually point to an amazing creator God. When I hold the new iPhone in my hand, I am still amazed at the brilliance of its makers. The same is true each day as I look to the heavens - I am awestruck at the thought of a creator!
The Bible says:
"...when the Son of Man (Jesus) comes, will he find faith on the earth?" - Luke 18:8
The reason I think this verse is so relevant to today is that it alludes to the increase of doubt in God and the increase in self-reliance and understanding. If we can understand everything and how it works - the need for faith (believing in what we cannot see or understand) is gone.
In addition to not knowing the day nor hour of Christ's return, the Bible also states that we have been living in the "last days" for the last 2000 years! In the first few verses of Hebrews, the writer says, "...in these last days he (God) has spoken to us by his Son...". If those who lived in the first century Bible times were living in the Last Days, how much more so are we today!