Listening to a Christian radio station this morning I heard the DJ comment that we disobey God “millions of times, maybe even many millions of times.” Then he reassured his listeners that God forgives us and it’s okay. We just need to embrace that forgiveness.
Am I the only one that has a problem with that thinking?
I’m a father of two teenagers. My wife and I have worked hard to teach and train them self-discipline, politeness, compassion, respect, morality, and above all - obedience. Obedience to their parents but most importantly, obedience to God. I would be shocked if one day my teenager just decided to disobey me when I asked him or her to do something.
Of course, it took discipline to raise our children as any good parent knows. We spanked when they were toddlers (necessary maybe once or twice) because we love them (Proverbs 13:24). We used the word “No” often when what they desired was not beneficial to them. Over time, they learned obedience, continued to be a blessing to our family, and the discipline became much easier, almost unnecessary.
The Bible teaches that the Lord disciplines those he loves too (Proverbs 3:11,12; Hebrews 12:6-13). I don’t think we recognize God’s discipline very often. It comes in many forms and it’s different for different people. However, the goal of the Lord’s discipline is teach respect and obedience.
Once that foundation of obedience is built, anything is possible (Matthew 19:26)!
My children have learned to obey out of love and respect, not out of fear or coercion. Likewise, as Christians we strive to please and obey our heavenly Father not because we must, but because we love Him. Loving Him means we conform more and more to the person He desires us to be. This ultimately results in living a life pleasing to him, or in other words, obeying him.
A Christian “disobeying God millions of times” is certainly an oxymoron. A Christian is one who has “denied themselves, taken up their cross, and followed Jesus” (Luke 9:23). They produce the fruit of the Spirit, having crucified their own fleshly passions and desires(Galatians 5:22,23).
Paul said it quite clearly in Romans 6 when he said, “Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means!!...” He recognized that God offers forgiveness and He cleans up our lives, but he also recognizes some would use this as an excuse for living in sin and disobedience.
Jesus didn’t die on a cross to give us license to continue living lives of disobedience. He died to make us brand new without sin or blemish! When baptized we become new creations in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17), filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38), and saved from punishment (1 Peter 3:21). After all God has done for us, let us live lives of obedience, not because we must, but because we are grateful and desire to please Him!