Wednesday, August 16, 2017

God Speaks through our Accidents

Have you ever been in or had an accident? Perhaps a car, airplane, or train accident? Or maybe a physical accident from sports, work, or a hobby? An accident is an unfortunate, unsettling event that cannot be planned. Your blood rushes as your mind swirls in anxious confusion.

Depending on the severity of the accident, it can also be life changing. Not just your life, but the lives of many others involved either directly or relationally. It can leave long-lasting scars in more ways than one.

The cost of an accident must be borne financially, emotionally, and spiritually. Financially because there are usually repairs involved. Emotionally because it shakes us to the core testing our mental integrity and stability. And spiritually, because regardless of what literally happened, thoughts arise of what could have happened, and this brings questions to the surface about life, death, and eternity.

Common Results of an Accident 

1. A sense of losing control - Honestly, the world would have us believe we have total control. Truth is humans have very little control. We appear to control our environment, but a simple thunderstorm or a worse natural disaster quickly dispels that illusion. Plans and schedules are altered more often than we admit. Illness, weather, and other people all tend to take away our control.
2. An unplanned event - No one plans for an accident. Ever if you wanted to plan for it, you can't because there's no calendar nor schedule to check. It doesn't make a reservation or an appointment, it just barges right in without knocking.
3. It forces us to stop - Everything else takes a back seat to an accident. It demands our immediate attention. An accident jolts us out of routine. It demands priority. We must deal with it immediately and put aside all else on our agenda.
4. It causes evaluation - An accident is normally a setback, forcing us to stop and process our current state of being. Where are we? What's important? Who is important?

Is there anything redeeming about an accident? Yes, I believe there are lessons to be found in an accident. It's a wake-up call to a complaisant results-oriented fast-paced society we live in today.

How God speaks through our accidents

1. God is in Control Not Us - Ultimately, God is in control of our world, and our lives. Solomon write in Proverbs 16:9, "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps."  Not only is He in control, but he has our best interests at heart. He's a good and loving father.

2. Live in The Moment - "Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:14 Jesus taught us to pray, "Give us this day our daily bread." insinuating that we need to live every day, even every moment to its fullest. "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34

3. Take Time to Rest - Jesus had the habit of taking a break from the crowds and teaching to rest and recharge himself physically and spiritually. Of course, we have the command from the Old Testament to take a Sabbath day each work too. God set the example of resting in that after he created the world, He took a day off. Should we do no less?! Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God..."

4. Evaluate Your Life - When taking that daily or weekly rest, it is a good time to stop, think, and evaluate where we are. Are we walking in the Word? How's our prayer life? Are we a good spouse or a good parent? What changes should we make in our lives?

Pray you never have to experience an accident. But if you do, know that God may be using this experience like a megaphone to speak into your life exactly what you need to hear.

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