Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Are you being "sifted" today?

"Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat." - Luke 22:31
This verse was in my daily Bible reading this past week. I had never noticed it before. Jesus was speaking to former fisherman turned apostle, Simon Peter, AKA "The Rock."  Peter would go on to be one of the pillars of the early church in Jerusalem. But right now we come upon the scene in Luke 22 right before Jesus would invite Peter along with James and John to join him in prayer on the Mount of Olives. This late-night prayer vigil precedes His arrest, trial, and crucifixion.

Satan makes a request of Jesus regarding his followers. Just let that sink in. Satan, Lucifer, the Devil is asking to shake up, tempt, and disrupt not just Simon Peter, but ALL of the Apostles with deception, pride, and lies. Do you recall this every happening in scripture before? Remember Job?

In the opening chapter of the Old Testament book of Job, Satan comes to God and makes some type of cosmic deal over the life of this godly man. Satan's accusation is that Job would curse God to His face if he were allowed to take away everything he has - his wealth, his family, his health. In a startling moment God says basically, "Go for it!" 

What!? Are you kidding? What about "guardian angels" and hedges around God's people?! How could God just "allow" Satan to work his deception and destruction upon one of God's faithful!? And Why? Why would God allow it?

Now, in the New Testament, with the Apostles we see a similar scene. God is allowing Satan access to followers of Christ to do as he pleases.

I would have expected Jesus to say, "Nope! Sorry. Those are my guys. I have just spent 3 years teaching and training them. "You can't touch this (them)!" BUT HE DIDN'T! His response?
"But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." - Luke 22:32
Really?! "I'm praying for you?" That was Jesus' response? No "Don't worry about this. I got your back? No "He can't harm you. I've covered you with my protection!?" Nothing except, "I'll pray for you?!" What?!!!!!

This begs the question: Why does God (Jesus) allow Satan to "sift" those who follow Him? There must be a purpose, a reason behind it all.

The answer lies in the words of James, the brother of Jesus, when he writes this:
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."
He continues:
"Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
Whoa...this is a different perspective. Instead of security and safety, maybe trails, testing, and perseverance are what the Christian should be rejoicing with. Perhaps the purpose of Jesus allowing Satan to "sift" us goes much deeper than we thought. Maybe in breaking us down, we can actually come back stronger than before. James seems to be saying that. After we go through "the fire" we exit "mature and complete." What more do we need? NOTHING, says James.

Are you being "sifted" today by Satan? You may not even know it. However, God may be allowing it. Maybe it's in your finances. Family. Marriage. Work. Some area of your life may be stressing you out and you are unsure how to handle it. Don't give up. Get stronger. Rise above it! Persevere beyond it!

Jesus had full confidence that Simon Peter would win in the end. He said, "when you have turned back," help your brothers. You can overcome Satan too! How do I know?! Because I know that:
"...the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world" - 1 John 4:4


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