Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Mission of the Great Commission

"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." -Jesus

Christmas time can be a blur for some people. With so much to do, so little time to do it, and limited resources, the month of December can feel like a fountain drink "suicide" or "kamikaze" - a concoction of soda drinks, but no real flavor!

Monetarily, Americans spent an average of $830 per family according to  Shopping over the holidays is a boon for most businesses, but can put a stress on families both emotionally and financially.

In the month of December the pace of life accelerates with school, family, church, and community activities and events to attend and take a part in. Meeting with family over the holidays involves meal preparation, gift exchanges, travel, and schedule coordination across the board. Don't forget the decorations, baking, and parties on top of all that.

The reason we celebrate Christmas gets lost in the wrapping paper. Despite how many times we tell our children it's not about the gifts or Santa or shopping - our actions speak louder. Christmas is out of focus.

Pray we never lose focus as a church as to why we exist! Jesus summed it up in Matthew 28:19,20 when He basically said, "Go! Duplicate yourselves!" Make more people into the image of Jesus. Make disciples or learners who will listen to My voice.

Our focus must be our mission. And our mission is the same as that of Jesus himself - to seek and to save the lost. Mankind is separated from God because of sin. Jesus through his death on the cross reconciled man back to God. The soldiers of Christ must now carry out those parting words of Jesus.

The Kalkaska Church of Christ is offering a new class Sunday mornings called Life on Mission. It's based on material by Dr. Tim Harlow of Parkview Christian Church in the South suburbs of Chicago.

Life on Mission will challenge you to see people as Jesus sees them. It will challenge you to invite them to come home. Life on Mission will give you purpose and meaning to your life.

Even if we miss the reason for Christmas, may we never lose focus on the message of Christ - making disciples and teaching them. Join us on Sundays to keep your LIFE ON MISSION!

AI and the Christian Walk

AI surges into modern life Artificial Intelligence or AI, as it has become better known, has quietly and quickly permeated our daily lives. ...