Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Get out of your "cave!"

Elijah was a great prophet of God in the Old Testament. He was known for battling the false prophets of Baal. He was a miracle worker through the power of God. He was fed by ravens. Having fasted 40 days, he became a front runner of Jesus Christ himself. If anyone in scripture had reason for great, unswerving faith, it must have been Elijah!

Yet, we find in 1 Kings 19:9-18 a story of the mighty prophet basically whining that he was all alone in following Jehovah God. He says in verse 10, "...I am the only one left..." He claimed his own people, the Israelites had rejected God's covenant and torn down the very alters where they were to worship Him. And to top it all off, they were out to kill him!

This is when God intervenes and has Elijah "Go out and stand on the mountain" so that He might pass by. You are probably familiar with the story. First, there was a "Great Wind" that tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks, but God wasn't in the wind. Then there was a "Earthquake" but God wasn't in the earthquake. This was followed by a "Fire" but God was not in the fire. Finally, there came a "Gentle Whisper" the kind that required silence and a cessation of activity to hear. This is where God finally spoke to the prophet.

We've always focused on the aspect of silence and solitude as necessary in our lives to hear God's voice. And while this is truer now more than ever, I am curious what it was that God said to Elijah after he got his attention.

"What are you doing here?" God asks Elijah
When God spoke to Elijah with the "sound of a gentle blowing" (NASB), He asked, "What are you doing here?" Leading me to look back at the passage to see where he was. Verse 13 says that Elijah "went out and stood at the mouth of the cave." But wait a minute, wasn't Elijah instructed to "go out and stand on the mountain?" How did he get back in his cave!! The very same cave he was staying in before God spoke with him! If we look even further back in the context, we find that Elijah was even suicidal, praying that he might die. So in this context, God asks Elijah, "What are you doing here" in this cave?

In summary, Elijah claims he was the only one still zealous for God. Saying that everyone else has left the faith and deserted him. What Elijah didn't know was that there were still thousands of faithful followers of God. He was not alone! God's word to him was then, get back to work. Don't hide your light in a cave! Get back to the business of a prophet by anointing Hazael King over Aram. I'll take care of your enemies.

Today, you may find yourself in your own "cave" cowering from family members, co-workers, or just the world in general. You may feel you are all alone in your faith in God. And that everyone is out to attack you. You may feel beaten down, overwhelmed, and tired out. Your "cave" is the only place you feel secure.

Well, first of all you need to know that you are not alone. God has Christians all over your town, your country, and the world who still seek to follow Him with all their hearts. 

Secondly, Christians are not reborn through the power of the resurrected Jesus Christ to just hole up and live quiet lives of isolation and seclusion. Jesus compares us to a light shining His love for all to see.  And salt permeating our surroundings with the seasoning of a life changed.

Venture out of whatever "cave" you may find yourself holed up in today, and know you are not alone. Get back to church. Talk with God through prayer. Be available when the Spirit prompts you to action. You'll find your life suddenly filled with a new light and love that transcends anything this world can offer!

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