Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Kalkaska Team takes mission trip to Sonlight Ministries in Haiti

A team from Kalkaska, led by Tim and Anita Severance, recently returned from the third-world country of Haiti on a short-term missions trip. They ministered with Sonlight Ministries, one of several missions supported by the Kalkaska Church of Christ. Sonlight Ministries includes an English Immersion Academy for grades Preschool through 12th, Sonlight Bible College, and Sonlight Church which recently moved into their new facility, the SonCenter.

Stobert Dental in Port-de-Paix, Haiti
The team supplied dental care to over 300 students, workers, and others in and around the mission. The dental team was led by Drs. Troy and Carrilyn Stobert and assisted by Michelle Price and Anita Severance.

Matt Price, Mike Fitzgerald, and Scott Severance all worked alongside Mission Founder, Roger Alexander, to provide maintenance to the mission.

Veryna Flores, Charla Reimer, Sidney Price, Kaylin Severance, Emma Price, and Kyra Stobert all assisted in the Sonlight Academy classrooms during the week.

The afternoons were spent exploring and experiencing the country, it's culture, language, and people. 

Monday the team traveled by Haitian taxi (motorbike) to the Market downtown where they witnessed a funeral procession, visited the Catholic Church, and experienced the state run hospital.
Tuesday, a mountain hike proved to be more than anyone bargained for when the small group came upon a voodoo ceremony and were even allowed to photograph part of it!
Wednesday, they took a tap-tap (pick-up truck) to the House of Hope where they held babies and played with children.
Thursday, the group visited KCC's Familystuf/Kidstuf's newly sponsored child, Jemima Jonquille, at her home.
Friday, the team visited a Haitian home and went on a fishing trip with the locals.

Here are some of the team's comments from Facebook about the trip.

"This country is so full of beautiful people, beautiful culture, and beautiful land. I cannot wait to return!"
Sidney making faces with Preschooler Elizabeth
 - Charla Reimer

"Beautiful country, beautiful people."
-Sidney Price

"What a great experience this trip was!!"
-Mike Fitzgerald

"I can't look at things the same ever again. Monday at work was rough. There is so much we take for granted in this country. While we live in our own little bubbles of comfort there is real poverty and suffering out there. The poorest family I know would be rich in Haiti. I mean I got to see kids play with Legos for the first time and they were 1st graders! 

Veryna tutoring Sonlight Academy students
It was amazing! People with no shoes, covered in dirt, and hungry were everywhere. There's no trash pick up and waste just flows out onto the streets while little kids walk barefoot through it. 

Haiti has my heart. The people are friendly and loving, people are close, the children have respect and many have a deep love of God. The place is beautiful, and people cherish the small things and stick together. I found myself wanting to stay there forever."

-Veryna Rogers (Flores)

For a more detailed report on this mission trip and a Haiti Medical mission trip with Dr. Richard Hodgman, join us Sunday morning, November 16th at 10:00 AM at the Kalkaska Church of Christ.

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