Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Are You Just Attending?

The current sermon series at KCC is entitled: I Am A Church Member. I was thinking about this the other day. What does it look like to be a member of some organization versus just attending the organization or event? Here's a contrast between attending vs. joining. 

You attend a game; You join the team.
You attend a concert; You join the band.
You attend a movie; You join the cast.
You attend a wedding; You join the wedding party.

Joining and committing to membership means becoming an intricate part of a group. On the other hand, attending implies your presence is not necessarily so important to the function - you are usually just there to sit and listen. 

Attending is easy. Just show up. Attending is short-term. You can do this until you tire of it. Attending is non-committal. No commitment required. Attending takes no practice, no preparation, no cost, and no sweat! 

Joining or becoming a member is much more involved. It's not usually easy. It's long-term and takes commitment to the other members. They depend on you, as you depend on them. There is a cost. Time is involved and sometimes lots of sweat and tears are shed. 

Jesus never called anyone to attendance. Jesus accepted no compromise. Remember Luke 9:57-62 where three different men sought to follow Jesus? Each one had something a little bit more important than committing 100% and following Christ. Jesus words to them were, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." In today's terms you might say, "Once you begin formatting that hard drive, don't disconnect the power." There's no turning back.

Today, Jesus is still looking for full fledged followers who are totally sold out for Jesus Christ and His Church. Don't just attend a church, let them know they can count on you and join it!

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