Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Black Jesus

After receiving this email from "Lewis and Nanette at Christian Entertainment Alliance" instructing me to petition a new show called Black Jesus on ADULT SWIM, I wrote this reply. However, the email address from which the original came from doesn't exist. So, I will post my reply here in hopes that some may see it.


I'm not sure how I got on your mailing list, but please, please LEAD WITH LOVE in speaking with those who don't share our Christian faith. Build a bridge with those you are offended by. Love them first. Then share your concerns. Your efforts to "Defend Jesus" may do more to disgrace Christians than "Stop the sinners." Please use wisdom in your efforts and your leadership along with the teachings of Jesus himself (Matthew 5:39).

I will not participate in a petition since Jesus never used this type of strategy in trying to reach the lost or in defending himself. I believe it does more harm than good for the Christian faith. We cannot legalize Grace and Love.

Finally, please be aware that "our ways are not always his ways." When the disciples thought they were doing what Jesus wanted, over and over, He had to correct them because they weren't (Luke 9:54; John 18:10).

Pray for these people and their families. Have compassion on them and seek to share the real Jesus with them (Matthew 5:44).

In His Love,

Tim Severance
Associate Minister
Kalkaska Church of Christ

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