Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Top 10 Christian Communicators

"When are we gonna to eat?" my 11-year old daughter asks my wife and I. We hear that question on almost a daily basis. Truth is that we actually eat three times a day often with snacks in between! Yet, my daughter's tank quickly runs dry. Our weekly visit to the grocery store keeps the kitchen cupboards filled with food. My wife is an excellent cook. She's endlessly serving meals up for the family.

In addition to eating at home, we also enjoy dining out. Taco Bell is my daughter's favorite restaurant. My son enjoys pizza ANYWHERE. I like the steak houses. Still, every day, we desire to eat more. It's natural. That's the way God made us.

Perry Noble from Newspring Church
In the same way that physical food is essential to our bodies, a regular intake of God's Word is critical to our Spiritual life. If I only ate once a week, say on a Sunday morning, I would end up weak, lethargic, and unable to function properly on a day to day basis.

As Christ followers, we should desire a steady diet of God's Word. Bible reading is the primary source of spiritual food. A daily time in God's word ought to be a priority for every Christian. That goes without saying.

Another means of ingesting God's Word is through Godly communicators. Men and women who have devoted their lives to preaching and teaching the Gospel can supplement our daily reading of the Bible.

I have assembled a list of my top 10 Christian communicators. These are preachers and Christian authors who have influenced my life over the years. Check them out and "snack" on God's Word through their ministries!

Tim's Top 10 Christian Communicators

10. Randy Alcorn - Author of "If God is Good" and "Heaven." I actually fell in love with Randy's writings after reading "Money, Possessions, and Eternity." He fully develops his subject matter using scripture and engages easily with his audience.
9. Max Lucado - Max's gift is writing with over 27 books to his credit. His style is simple, yet poignant and applicable to the Christian life.
8. Judah Smith - I was first intrigued by Judah when I heard him read scripture. His ability to dissect the Word and teach truth is exciting and fresh.
7. Rene Schlaepfer - I first heard Rene speak on the now defunct Church Communication Network. His exceptional usage of illustrations, stories, and quotes make listening to him a joy.
6. Craig Groschel - Craig pioneered the Multi-Site Church model with his video teaching. Craig and wife Amy, have 5 children, homeschool, and make their own butter! (Just kidding on the last one.)
5. Rick Warren - Best known for his New York Times bestseller, "The Purpose Driven Life," Rick's heart is committed to building great churches through obedience to the "great commission."
4. Mark Driscoll - Mars Hill in Seattle, Washington. Mark is a dynamic teacher fearlessly speaking bolding with no regards to man's opinion.
3. Francis Chan - Anyone who will sell their house, leave a mega church pastoral, and move his family of 5 to Asia for the sake of Jesus Christ and the Gospel is worth listening to!
2. Andy Stanley - Author and Pastor of Northpoint Church in Atlanta, Georgia, Andy teaches with down to earth conviction and passion for the local church and the message of Jesus. 
1. Perry Noble - Dynamic, influential, and pastoring one of the fastest growing churches in the nation! Perry's style doesn't appeal to everyone, but there is no doubt he is all about winning people to the Lord!

AI and the Christian Walk

AI surges into modern life Artificial Intelligence or AI, as it has become better known, has quietly and quickly permeated our daily lives. ...