Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Size Matters

The Kalkaska Church of Christ (KCC for short) is among the top 10% of all churches in the United States in attendance. Our average attendance for 2013 has been 366. We've slowly transitioned from a small, extended family church to a medium-sized, growing family congregation. Some in our body have felt the differences and many ask what is going on? This week I hope to bring to the surface some changes that have occurred to us without even realizing it. Here are some changes experienced by a medium-sized church.

"Have We Met?" - Knowing Some People, But Not All 
In a small family-sized church you can expect to know everyone. However, once a church grows beyond even 120 people, it becomes increasingly difficult to know everyone, especially when the church holds two services on Sunday morning. You'll hear references to those who attend the "early service" or the "11:00 crowd." It is still important to build and cultivate relationships, but in a larger church that is accomplished through volunteer ministry teams, small groups, and programs.

"Who's Driving" - Programs and Teams Direct the Church Life
In a smaller church a couple families can decide to hold a potluck dinner and everyone comes. Not so with a larger church. The medium-size church is led by paid staff, elder boards, ministry teams, and programs that reach various groups (Youth, men, women, athletic group, recovery program, etc). These programs and teams are valuable to a medium-size church as they provide "on-ramps" or "open doors" for newcomers to become involved in the life of the church and get to know its members.

"What's Happening?" - Focus on the Present
A smaller church relies heavily on it's history, traditions, and foundations. The medium-size church focuses on the present. It's identity is found in plans and vision for common productivity and success in reaching the lost. The aim is building God's kingdom now by bringing new people and families into the church. Change and creativity encourage relating to current culture and being relevant to people's felt needs.

"We've Never Done It That Way!" - Changes in music styles, use of technology, and ministry 
Interestingly, Jesus could have used stone tablets to illustrate Biblical truths, but he chose to read from modern day scrolls. Why? Jesus could have told parables about caves, encampments, and tents, but instead told about a house built on a rock. Why? He wanted to use current objects and concepts that people could relate to. Change occurs in a small church from the bottom up with select families making vital decisions. In a medium-sized church the changes occur from the middle and move outward. These changes are championed by teams, boards, committees, and other key groups. As long as there is life, there will be change. How that change happens depends on the size of the congregation.

"Where do we go from here?" - 
These concepts were derived from "One Size Doesn't Fit All" by Gary L. McIntosh. I've taken the liberty of putting my own spin on them. What is interesting is that Gary says a medium-size church, such as KCC, is actually in transition from a small church to a large church. Not all churches make the transition. Many fail to continue growing and fall back down to the small church size. The pull downward is stronger than the pull upward. Falling back in size can be attributed to leadership and membership not embracing the changes and methods of functioning as a larger church. It is my hope and prayer that KCC continues to remain healthy spiritually and expand as God gives us growth (1 Corinthians 3:7).

AI and the Christian Walk

AI surges into modern life Artificial Intelligence or AI, as it has become better known, has quietly and quickly permeated our daily lives. ...