Wednesday, November 07, 2012

"Not a Fan" Q&A

Sunday at KCC will be the last week of the current sermon series "Not a Fan." Instead of a sermon this week, we're inviting Dan Johnson, Tim Severance, and Dylan Frashier to answer questions regarding "Not a Fan: Becoming a completely committed follower of Jesus."  Questions can be submitted via Facebook, email, and texting.

We would also like to hear your story! If hearing the messages or reading the book, Not a Fan and the scriptures that go along with it, has encouraged you to move from fan to follower, we want to hear about it! Tell us your story to share and encourage others.

We'll be taking text questions on Sunday morning during both services, but you don't have to wait until then to submit your question or share your story.

Submit us your "Not a Fan" question and/or story now.

Text: 231-715-1259

Please note that questions will be addressed on Sunday, November 11th during the 8:30 & 11:00 am worship services at the Kalkaska Church of Christ. All questions may not be read and answered due to time constraints.

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