Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Churches Change

"We used to have a bell that called folks to church, now we have atomic clocks.
We used to have alters, now we have a stage.
We used to have stained glass windows, now we have none.
We used to have a choir, now a praise band.
We used to sing out of hymnals, now we sing words off a screen.
We used to have pews, now we sit on chairs.
But we still come to worship the Lord until its time for us to go or He comes. I'm old!"
- Janet Severance

Recently my wife and I went through our children's rooms and cleaned them out. They don't listen to the Baby Einstein CDs anymore. They stopped reading the board books long ago. We donated many toys to Goodwill because the kids have long since stopped playing with them. Their interests have changed. They have moved on from infant and toddler toys to fascination with Pokemon, Beyblades, Our Generation dolls, and the iPad. While it's difficult to throw away sentimental memories from their childhood, it's also healthy. They need to let go of the old to make room for the new. It's time for a change.

Life is packed with change. You really can't escape it. Our culture has changed. Remember these changes?

Word Processors replace typewriters. Computers replace Word Processors. Laptops replace desktop computers.  Netbooks replace laptops. And now Tablet Computers are replacing Netbooks.

Letters replace telegraph .Email replace letters. Instant messaging replace email. and now Texting, Facebook, and Tweeting are replacing instant messaging.

78's replaced the 8-Track. 33's & 45's replaced 78's. Cassette tapes replaced records. Cd's replaced cassettes. Digital tracks are now replacing Cd's.

Churches must also change with culture to remain relevant to the society in which it finds itself. Paul wrote to the Corinthians "I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings." (1 Corinthians 9:22,23) "Becoming all things" in Paul's day refers to becoming like a Jew or living like one under the Old Testament law to win the Jews to Christ. It refers to becoming like one not having the Old Testament law, so as to win those not under the law. It refers to becoming weak in understanding spiritual concepts, so as to win those people to the Lord.

How does this look today? Paul seemed to be advocating removing barriers to people's understanding of Christ. He became open-minded and associated with those he wanted to reach. Much like Jesus did when he spent time with tax collectors, sinners, and prostitutes. Paul became like the people he wanted to talk to in order to break down walls and build a bridge of communication.

Our church may embrace new methods, new strategies, or new approaches to reach younger generations. Our church may look different, act different, or think different from years past. Yet we do not compromise nor alter the Gospel message. We simply are seeking that bridge of communication in order to speak into people's lives today. A performance stage. A worship band. A video screen. All are tools to become more like the culture in which we live, striving to reach those who have yet to come to faith in Jesus Christ.

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