Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Why are we doing all this?

Busy in the office

It was about 2 months ago as I was sitting at my desk in the church office with piles of work yet to be touched, the church calendar church full of activities, and deadlines looming, that I stopped to think and ask myself a vital question. "Why are we doing all this?" Not, "Should we be doing all this" but seriously, "Why?"

What should the focus of the church be and is that indeed the heart of what we do? KCC offers so many events - what is the central theme of our events? The church calendar contains an endless cycle of activities...what is the primary purpose of all those activities?

Rick Warren in his book "The Purpose Driven Life" said it well when he began the first page by saying, "It isn't about me." So who is it about?!

Then it hit me! It was my "duh" moment. It's all about JESUS. It has to be about JESUS. But is it?
Who is our focus?

Is everything we do as a church about JESUS? Personally, does my life revolve around JESUS? Is JESUS the filter through which I process my day? I knew for me, it wasn't always the case. So to that end, I began a search for some resources to assist me to reclaim my focus.

Three resources I found helpful:

I've started my journey with Jesus: A Theography. The book details the existence of JESUS from before time began to eternity. I've always known JESUS was involved somewhat in all of history, but never knew to what extent He was part of all that God was doing! Here are just a couple thoughts from the book.

JESUS was with God in the beginning. John 15:7
JESUS by Akiane
JESUS is the thread that runs through the entire Old Testament of the Bible. John 5:39
JESUS in creation

  • Day One: His Birth
  • Day Two: His Death
  • Day Three: His Resurrection
  • Day Four: His Ascension
  • Day Five: His Indwelling Life
  • Day Six: His Rule
  • Day Seven: His Rest
The rest of the Biblical story of God's attempt to redeem humanity is that God tried many methods, but none seemed to work. He tried a flood, a covenant, a king, a priest, a prophet. Finally, God stepped in. He sent His own Son, the second Adam.

It's all about JESUS. It's all about His reign, His kingdom, His plan. My prayer for you this year is that your focus will be on JESUS, the one who said, "No one comes to the Father except by me."

If you do not have a relationship with JESUS, haven't confessed your faith in Him, or been baptized into Him, we would love to talk to you about it and help you in your walk! Call, Email, or visit the church office to set up a time to meet!

Lessons from Eve

The first mother, Eve, had 2 sons,  Cain and Abel. Cain worked the soil; Abel kept flocks. When taking their offerings to God, Cain was jeal...